Visiting Faculty

Jørgen Dines Johansen

Visiting Professor

University of Southern Denmark, Sp 2009

Andreas Önnerfors

Dr. Andreas Önnerfors is an associate professor in the history of sciences and ideas at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His main research areas are the cultural history of eighteenth-century Europe with a focus on Swedish-German relations, press history, and organized sociability, in particular, secret societies and freemasonry. He also works on the rhetoric of German right-wing movements such as PEGIDA.

Concerning research into conspiracy theories, Önnerfors has studied the historical origins of the modern conspiracy beliefs in eighteenth-century sources but also contemporary...

Anna Sandberg

Visiting Professor

Employment, Positions, and Fellowships

Since 2014 Associate Professor of German Literature, Department for English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

Head of Section: German Studies

Fall 2018-2019: Visiting Professor University of Kiel (CAU)

Fall 2016 Visiting Professor UC Berkeley

2012-14 Assistant Professor of German Literature, University of Copenhagen

Spring 2010 Combined Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

2009-12 Postdoc (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation...

Gísli Sigurðsson

Gísli Sigurðsson hefur starfað á Árnastofnun frá 1990. Hann hefur séð um sýningar um forn fræði og handritin, unnið að alþýðlegum útgáfum forntexta, skrifað bækur um gelísk áhrif á Íslandi, munnlega hefð og fornsögur, og um hvað sé merkilegt við íslenskar fornbókmenntir; einnig lagt stund á þáttagerð í útvarpi og skrifað ritdóma og greinar í blöð og tímarit, auk þess að ritstýra útgáfu vesturíslenskra munnmæla, ýmsum fræðiritum og tímariti stofnunarinnar Griplu. Þá kennir Gísli stöku sinnum í þjóðfræðadeild HÍ.