Employment, Positions, and Fellowships
Since 2014 Associate Professor of German Literature, Department for English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen
Head of Section: German Studies
- Fall 2018-2019: Visiting Professor University of Kiel (CAU)
Fall 2016 Visiting Professor UC Berkeley
2012-14 Assistant Professor of German Literature, University of Copenhagen
Spring 2010 Combined Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
2009-12 Postdoc (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation), University of Copenhagen
2008-09 Administrative Officer, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen
2005 Visiting Fellow, Albert-Ludwigs- Universität, Freiburg, Germany
2003-2008 PhD Scholarship (funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research), University of Copenhagen
2000-2002 High school Teacher at Aurehøj Gymnasium, Copenhagen
2008 Ph.D, University of Copenhagen
2001 Professional postgraduate teacher training for high school teachers (Gl. Hellerup Gymnasium and Rysensteen Gymnasium, Copenhagen).
2000 Master of Arts, German and Danish, University of Copenhagen. Studies abroad: Spring 1995: Berlin (Humboldt Universität), Fall 1998: Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-Universität).
Grants and Funding
2022-2023 Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship
- 2009 2 years Postdoc grant from the Carlsberg Foundation
2003 3 years PhD grant funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK).
Editorial acitivites and other professional contributions
- From 2019 Co-editor of Nordeuropa Forum, Zeitschrift für Kulturstudien. Open Access Journal at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Reviewer for the journals: European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, Danske Studier, Passage. Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik, Sjuttonhundratal. Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
- Co-founder and co-editor (2012-2020) of Romantik. Journal for the Study of the Romanticisms, Aarhus University Press,now Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Memberships & Honorary Positions
- 2014-2022: Appointed member of the Board of Danish Lecturers abroad (Lektoratsudvalget, ansvarlig for den tysksprogede region), appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
- Appointed member of Advisory Board for German & Language Education (Fagligt Forum) in the Danish Ministry of Education
- Elected Member of Academic Council, UCPH Faculty of Humanities
- Member of steering committee CEMES (Centre for Modern European Studies) at The University of Copenhagen
- Board member of The Danish-German Society (Dansk-Tysk Selskab)
Board Member of Universitets-Jubilæets Danske Samfund (UJDS)
- 2012-22: Board member of the Nordic Association of Romantic Studies (NARS)
- Board member of the German Studies Alumnus Institution at UCPH.
2014-2019: Head of Study for the section of Cultural History at the Danish University Extension Copenhagen (Folkeuniversitetet København).
Books, edited books & journal:
En grænsegænger mellem oplysning og romantik. Jens Baggesens tyske forfatterskab. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press 2015
- With Torben Jelsbak (ed): Dansk-tyske krige. Kulturliv og kulturkampe, U Press 2020
With Karin Hoff & Udo Schöning (ed.): Literarische Transnationalität. Die kulturellen Dreiecksbeziehungen zwischen Skandinavien, Frankreich und Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2015.
With Adam Paulsen (ed.) Natur und Moderne um 1900. Räume, Repräsentation, Medien. Transcript Verlag, Edition Kulturwissenschaft 2013
With Detlef Siegfried (ed.): Tysk kulturhistorie fra 1648 til i dag. Gyldendal 2012.
With Svend Skriver (ed.): Jens Baggesens liv og værk, Forlaget Spring 2010.
Co-editor of Nordeuropa Forum, Zeitschrift für Kulturstudien. Open Access Journal at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
2012-2020: Co-Editor of: Romantik. Journal for the Study of the Romanticisms, Aarhus University Press, from 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht