M.A./Ph.D. Program

The graduate program in Scandinavian is designed to train future scholars, teachers, translators, and other research professionals in the fields of Scandinavian language, literature, and cultural history. The department’s strengths lie in modern literatures (Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish), Old Norse and medieval studies, film studies and visual culture, and in broad interdisciplinary fields of the intellectual and cultural history of the North. Graduate students in this program are expected to work comparatively across the Nordic region using one specific language and literature field as a foundation. The program is especially designed to accommodate interdisciplinary work in all fields and periods.

The Department of Scandinavian does not admit students who have the M.A. as a final career goal; admission is granted to the combined M.A./Ph.D. program. Students with M.A. degrees in Scandinavian from other comparable institutions, however, will apply directly to the Ph.D. program at UCB and petition to proceed without repeating the M.A.


For more information on professional development, research, and teaching, visit the Graduate Division’s Professional Development Guide and calendar.

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For information about our B.A. program, please visit our undergraduate program page.