Links to are forthcoming.
Language Courses | R&C Courses | Courses in English | Graduate Courses
DANISH 1B: Beginning Danish #27894(link is external)
Hansen,Sofie | MWF 9:00 AM-10:00 AM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
FINNISH 1B: Beginning Finnish #26918(link is external)
Weckstrom,Lotta | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
NORWEGN 1B: Beginning Norwegian #25401(link is external)
Heggedal,Camilla | MWF 9:00 AM-10:00 AM | Dwinelle B-33B| 4 units
SWEDISH 1B: Beginning Swedish #26296(link is external)
Weckstrom,Lotta | MWF 9:00 AM-10:00 AM | Wheeler 100 | 4 units
SCANDIN 100B: Intermediate Scandinavian Languages #26539(link is external)
Hansen,Sofie | W 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
SCANDIN 101B: Introductory Old Norse II #29956(link is external)
Boles,Isobel | MWF 10:00 AM-11:00 AM | Dwinelle 234 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature
SCANDIN R5A-002: Tales of High Adventure: Quests, Magic, and Romance in the Medieval North #28211(link is external)
Lawson,Michael | TuTh 8:00 AM-9:30 AM | Dwinelle 283 | 4 units
SCANDIN R5B-001: Traveling the Perilous Realm #28521(link is external)
Waters,Liam | MWF 8:00 AM-9:00 AM | Dwinelle 206 | 4 units
SCANDIN R5B-002: Viking Age Scandinavia and the East #29955(link is external)
Taylor,Rue | TuTh 8-9:30 AM | Dwinelle 279 | 4 units
SCANDIN 60: Heroic Legends of the North #26063(link is external)
Heslop,Katherine | TuTh 2:00 PM-3:30 PM | Dwinelle 182 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature
SCANDIN 106: Hans Christian Andersen #26065(link is external)
Tangherlini,Tim | TuTh 11:00 AM-12:30 PM | Wheeler 108 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature
SCANDIN 120: Crises, Conspiracy Theories and Cultural Identity in Contemporary Scandinavia #30300(link is external)
Önnerfors,Andreas | MWF 2:00 PM-3:00 PM | Dwinelle 247 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature
SCANDIN 160: Scandinavian Myth & Religion #29958(link is external)
Wellendorf,Jonas | TuTh 3:30 PM-5:00 PM | Social Sciences 170 | 4 units
L&S Breadth: Arts & Literature or Philosophy & Values
SCANDIN 180: Scandinavian Colonialism #32197(link is external)
Hansen,Sofie | TuTh 12:30 PM-2:00 PM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
Effective February 3, 2022, this class is now held in Dwinelle 6415.
SCANDIN 204: Compact Seminar: Names in Language and Society: Identity, Fashions and Cultural Variation #33561(link is external)
Tangherlini,Tim | Wed 2:00 PM -4:00 PM | Dwinelle 6415 | 2 units
This is a 5-week compact seminar. Instruction begins February 16, 2022.
SCANDIN 215: LIT/CULT THEORY #29638(link is external)
Tangherlini,Tim and Sandberg,Mark | Tu 2:00 PM-5:00 PM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
Cross-listed with Folklore C262B
SCANDIN 250: Post-welfare nostalgia: negotiating identity in contemporary Swedish culture #32275(link is external)
Önnerfors,Andreas | Th 2:00 PM-5:00 PM | Dwinelle 6415 | 4 units
SCANDIN 300B-001: TEACHING PRACTICUM – Language #26072(link is external)
Weckstrom,Lotta| Day/Time TBD | 6412 Dwinelle | 1 unit
SCANDIN 300B-002: TEACHING PRACTICUM – R&C #26073(link is external)
Heslop,Katherine | Day/Time TBD | 6411 Dwinelle | 1 unit
SCANDIN 301-001: TEACHING METHODS – Language #19688(link is external)
Weckstrom,Lotta | Day/Time TBD | 6412 Dwinelle | 3 units
SCANDIN 301-002: TEACHING METHODS – R&C #19689(link is external)
Heslop,Katherine | Day/Time TBD | 6411 Dwinelle | 3 units