Minji Song

Job title: 
Graduate Student

Minji Song pursues a Ph.D. in the Department of Scandinavian at UC Berkeley, with the Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She holds a B.A. in Education and Cultural Anthropology from Yonsei University (South Korea) and an M.Phil. in Gender Studies from the University of Oslo (Norway). Her master’s thesis examined gendered tensions in liberal cosmopolitanism through narrative interviews with young Norwegian adults who completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and United World Colleges (UWC). Her doctoral research investigates transnational migration, movement, and mobilities between East Asia and Scandinavia, with a particular focus on South Korea and Norway. Drawing on her interests in infrastructure and industrial connections between these regions, she examines narratives and discourses around transnational adoption alongside other forms of transactions and mobility in relation to broader East-West geopolitical dynamics. She has taught Intermediate Korean at the Korean Language School in Norway and currently teaches Beginner Norwegian at Berkeley.