Karin Sanders

Job title: 
Professor of the Graduate School; Professor Emerita
Danish Literature

Professor Sanders’s research centers on questions of Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Scandinavian Literature, with an emphasis on Danish Literature (especially H.C. Andersen, Søren Kierkegaard, and Isak Dinesen). She also researches in literary history, romanticism, word & image studies, archaeology in art and literature, ethics and literature, affect and literature, and gender studies. In much of her research, Sanders has devoted attention to the ways in which material culture and visual representation intersect with literary culture. She has published numerous articles on the relationship between words and images, sculpture and death masks, material culture and literature, archaeology and modernity, romanticism, gender and aesthetics, art and ethics. Her work is featured in the History of Nordic Women’s Literature. She is currently working on a book-length study on the subject of Hans Christian Andersen’s material imagination and the lives of things in his work. Sanders is an elected member of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. She serves on numerous editorial boards and is coeditor of volume 3 of A Comparative History of Nordic Literary Cultures



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