Major & Double Major

The Department of Scandinavian offers an undergraduate major with concentrations in five areas: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Old Norse Studies, and Swedish. Each of these concentrations allows students to explore the major while developing expertise within the language and literature of one of the Nordic languages.

While the electives built into each of the five concentrations allow room to explore all phases of Scandinavian literature and cultural history from the medieval to the modern, the core courses for each will emphasize the specific language of choice. Students receive further training in their major language skills by pursuing reading in original Scandinavian languages when coursework allows, and through special add-on major units (Scandinavian 149). These units allow students the opportunity to work closely with a professor in their major language area. The Old Norse Studies concentration also allows students with strong interests in comparative medieval studies to choose elective courses offered in that field in other departments to complete their course list for the Scandinavian major.

A new major structure, effective Fall 2015, includes the choice of one of five concentrations. Each concentration requires two new lower-division gateway courses:

SCANDIN 60: Heroic Legends of the North (4 units) [Spring only]

SCANDIN 75: Literature and Culture of the Nordic World (4 units) [Fall only]

In addition, the following lower-division language and upper-division courses are required for each of the concentrations. The total unit requirement for each concentration is 46 units.

Double Major in Scandinavian

Freshmen entering with Advanced Placement enrichment courses taken in high school are in a perfect position to pursue a double major while attending UC Berkeley. These credited units used to satisfy University requirements do not have to be counted towards the 120-130 unit maximum for the Bachelor’s Degree, allowing students to remain at Berkeley for a full eight semesters while acquiring two majors.

An early start to language study during one’s freshman or sophomore year is key to allowing sufficient time to acquire the four semesters of language courses required for each of the five concentrations within the Scandinavian major. Elementary language sequences in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish begin each fall and can be applied to the chosen major concentration in the language and culture of one Nordic country. A concentration in Old Norse Studies has more flexibility in the second year of language study, including options for using first-year instruction of Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish or two semesters of elementary Icelandic or two semesters of elementary Latin (Latin 1 and 2) when combined with a year of coursework in beginning Old Norse.

In general, up to two courses can be double-counted towards requirements in two different major programs at Berkeley depending how closely related the major requirements are. Essentially, two courses can count as four, making it easier to double major. In addition, there are several majors at UC Berkeley (such as Political Economy or Peace and Conflict Studies) that require four semesters of lower-division language, which may also be applied (with permission of the other major program) to lower-division language requirements within the Scandinavian major. With four courses overlapping between two majors, the double major becomes a clear possibility. Students in Classics, Medieval Studies, or other major programs that emphasize the study of Latin will also find it easier to fit in a double major in Old Norse Studies by utilizing Latin 1 and 2 coursework for this concentration.

Why Double Major? 

Berkeley is a unique learning environment with a diversity of majors, curricula, research, and study-abroad opportunities. Students double-majoring in Scandinavian also study in fields as far-ranging as the environmental sciences, biological sciences, history of art, mathematics, business, history, comparative literature, and architecture, among many others. Many of our double majors pursue a balance between fulfilling career goals and feeding their intellectual and personal interests in the study of the language and culture of the Nordic world, a region that has brought significant contributions in areas such as environmental studies, international studies, peace and diplomacy, public policy, political science, architecture, design, economics, medieval literature, folklore, history, drama, film and linguistics.

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Kansanperinne, vanha ja uusi, on osa ihmisenӓ oloamme, niin kuin ilma, jota henditӓmme tai luonto, johon osana kuulumme. (Finnish) / Folklore, both ancient and new, forms an intrinsic part of our human existence, like the air we breathe or the nature to which we belong.
Folklorist Matti Kuusi, Finland