Carol Clover Legacy Project Video

September 2, 2022

In order to preserve the history and accomplishments of its distinguished faculty, the University of California Berkeley Emeriti Association (UCBEA) has begun making video recordings of interviews with individual emeriti.

This video-making project, called the Legacy Project, aims to capture the history and experiences of UC Berkeley emeriti/ae, providing a record of contributions, accomplishments, challenges, met and unmet expectations, campus changes and the like during the individuals’ careers. Each interview is conducted in conversation with a colleague of the emeritus/a’s choosing.  The interviews are intended to provide a personal record for posterity as well as to shed light on the history of the Berkeley campus and the emeritus/a’s department, college, and/or school. They will be of value to the emeriti’s families, friends and colleagues and will serve as resources for historians.

The Legacy Project is coordinated by a subcommittee of the UCBEA Executive Committee (Professor Emeriti Steve Martin, Catherine Gallagher, and Sheldon Zedeck) with administrative and technical support from the UCB Retirement Center (UCBRC; Cary Sweeney).  As part of the project, we made an approximately one-hour videotape interview with one of your emeriti, Carol Clover, which was conducted by Professor Mark Sandberg. 
