SCANDINAVIAN 301, Section 2: Teaching Methodology: Reading & Composition
TuTh 8-9:30 Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, 6408 Dwinelle. Instructor: Jonas Wellendorf
Units: 3
This course is required of all Graduate Student Instructors teaching Reading & Composition courses in the Scandinavian Department. Reading and Composition GSIs also enroll in Prof. Wellendorf’s Scandinavian 300B, Section 2 course for 1 unit.
Course to be repeated for credit each semester of employment as graduate student instructor. The purpose of this course is to introduce new GSIs to teaching Scandinavian R5A and R5B. It will focus on preparation of teaching materials, including syllabi, and discussion of questions of pedagogy (teaching literature and writing, lecturing, leading class discussions, designing writing assignments, grading and formulating responses to student papers, working with students individually and in small groups). The course will help you prepare for a career as a college teacher of literature and for the teaching component of job applications. Must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Prerequisite: Employment as graduate student instructor in the Department of Scandinavian.