Summer 2024

Class offerings are subject to change.

Session C (June 17 – August 9)

Scandin R5B-001: Animal Perspectives and Ecocritical Approaches to Nordic Literature #13662
Instructor TBA | TuWTh 10am-12pm, synchronous | Online | 4 units
Effective May 24, 2024, this class is cancelled.

Session D (July 1- August 9)

Scandin R5B-002: Dreams & The Night in Nordic Literature & Film #13829
Lawson, Michael David | TuWTh 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm, synchronous | Online | 4 units

Although very few courses are canceled, Berkeley Summer Sessions reserves the right to cancel a course if it does not reach minimum enrollments 4 weeks before the start of the session. In the case of a course cancellation, all enrolled students are notified by email, dropped from the class, and no longer charged for the class. See for all enrollment and fee policies.