SWEDISH 1A: Beginning Swedish (formerly Scandinavian 1A)
MWF 9-10 Fall 2015, 235 Dwinelle. Instructor: Carl Olsen
Units: 4
No auditing is permitted in Scandinavian language courses.
Berkeley faculty and staff members interested in participating in Scandinavian language classes must first consult the Scandinavian languages coordinator, Karen Moller at: kmoller@berkeley.edu.
To enroll in a Scandinavian language course via UC Extension: http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/
(Fall only. Swedish 1B is offered in the Spring.)
Välkomna! Welcome to first year Swedish! This semester you will get started with the basics of the Swedish language through exercises and practice conversations in class, examples and lessons in our textbook Rivstart, reading and listening to sample texts, watching videos of Swedish programs, and daily homework exercises.
Our primary objectives are to develop our conversational and written abilities in Swedish and to develop our listening and reading comprehension in Swedish. Our secondary objectives are to broaden our knowledge of Swedish culture by looking at contemporary and past Sweden, and to learn about how Swedish culture is interconnected with the rest of Scandinavia and Europe, as well as Sweden’s significance in the global arena.
Workload: About five hours of work outside of class per week. An oral and written midterm and final.
Text: Rivstart A1 + A2 (textbook and exercise book) and Övningsbok
Optional Course Materials
Prisma Dictionary
Hincliffe Grammar
Common Swedish Verbs
Prerequisites: Elementary Swedish is open to students without prior knowledge of Swedish. The course is not open to native, near-native, or heritage speakers of any Nordic language. Course cannot be repeated without prior consent from the language coordinator.