Originally an architecture major at UC Berkeley, Sarah Bienko Eriksen signed up for an introductory Danish class in the fall of 2004 when something else fell through. One thing led to another and in 2008 she graduated with a BA in Scandinavian Studies and Comparative Literature. For the next five years she wrote, traveled, and taught, including a semester as an EFL instructor in Santiago, Chile. Her interest in folklore brought her back to the field in 2013, when she began the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies at the University of Iceland. Sarah wrote her Master’s thesis on monstrosity, space, identity, and horror in Grettis saga, a portion of which will be published in 2017 in Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150-1400. Her ongoing interests include the sagas, modern Scandinavian literature, folklore and the paranormal, cognitive studies, Kierkegaard’s Forførerens Dagbog, and blues music, which she is determined to work in there somehow.
Job title:
Graduate Student