Congratulations to Professor Karin Sanders!

After working thirty-one years as the Danish Literature Professor in the UC Berkeley Department of Scandinavian, Karin Sanders is retiring! During that time, Karin has poured her heart and soul in our small but mighty department and has done more than anyone else to create a rare intellectual and social milieu. » read more »

Congratulations Lotta!

Congratulations to Lotta Weckstrom on her promotion to Continuing Lecturer effective July 1, 2020!

Congratulations Kate!

Congratulations to Kate Heslop on her promotion to Associate Professor effective July 1, 2020!

Congratulations Sarah!

Congratulations to Sarah Eriksen for winning the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award 2019-2020!

Congratulations Troy!

Congratulations to Troy Wellington Smith for winning the The Einar and Eva Lund Haugen Memorial Scholarship 2020!